Attitude, Planes, Natural Order and Schizophrenia

For the longest time in 3 days I have not reported to work. I don’t want to make my depression a reason, but, in most cases it’s the only reason why, so I’m stuck in my room trying to think of ways to earn money without actually listening to people’s stupid questions (well not all the time and customer service is supposed to be like that), browsing the web for other ways I could strike opportunities. But that was only for a short amount of time, due to needs that aren’t really real but rather imagined. I opened my Facebook account for updates, looked if ever somebody has something good to say. And in this case actually I went to a page I subscribed. It’s the page of the university I previously attended and it contained all the rants and BS every student, faculty and other persons (mostly bitter people concerned about love) had to say about. There was this particular area of the school that was a classic topic for a rant – the medical clinic was the center of criticism for the page. Mostly what I’ve read is about student’s claims on the incompetence that medical professionals had. I read all of the comments, most of them are rage statements. I don’t know why the students are still in that phase ( I call it phase because I believe when you grow older and you learn things, letting emotions tinge every action or statements is definitely among the list of what not to do). For you readers to have a better idea why the medical clinic was given generous criticisms: Whenever you’re feeling sick and you cannot come to school, you have to go to the university’s clinic so you can get checked up and be issued a medical certificate. Easy right? But the students are actually pointing out “How can I go out if I’m sick?” Alright we get their point but the thing is, for every negative comment you read, there’s actually a good one that comes up. As a “pacifist” I am neutral in my arguments, never siding with a right side or a wrong side, because it actually makes me feel that I’m just a person who has only the ability to choose sides and not considering my ability to be more than that. There’s this one comment though, detailing his experience in the clinic, that almost made me comment on that post. He said that the staff are making talk about everything, from other departments to patients and even their own colleagues! Shame on them that has to come up. It makes me think that the criticism they get are just right, karma wise, leading to another thought, that society’s problems are actually the result of individuals. I was washing the dishes when I was thinking about that. Remembering yesterday, I was watching cut scenes from Injustice: Gods Among Us. It made me have a little mental exercise though. Basically, what happened is that on an alternate universe Superman became evil because Joker killed Lois Lane and his unborn son. He made a dictatorial government together with some superheroes who either followed him out of fear or their concept of morality warped. Batman on the other hand is the leader of the Insurgency and they want Superman’s reign to end. On the original universe this never happened so the original set find themselves teleported to that universe and they try to fix it. Come to think of it, if that single event alone happened in the original universe, it’s always a choice for the individual what to do. There’s a big chance that would have happened too if ever Joker succeeded. The original universe had an advantage of delay on the supposed successful plot of the Joker. This little mental exercise again brings another everyday “philosophy”. Whether imagined or not, in any situation, all related concepts on individuality applies. In any situation, the truth and the lies lie on the same plane of existence, and hence both significant to reality. The perception of the two concepts, truth and lies, are real. I can relate this back to depression. I remember that TED video wherein the most powerful description of the most significant point of the state of being depressed is that “when the veil is lifted…the truth lies.” If ever a “normal” person would read this would they even think of these stuff? I mean this is all philosophy related shit. Who would bother sitting in front of the computer to compose a lengthy amount of nonsense? I don’t know. Sometimes even thinking of how the world should be is even crazier. In the early stages of humans, we only strive to survive, find food and just live. Now, information is everywhere. I sometimes wonder who designed us to reach a stage where we have so much to think about. Why not just follow the natural order, be perfect beings who don’t cause imbalance to the world? This really is going crazy. I still have one though. From a Facebook post to world balance, I sometimes wonder if the things I just wrote are considered flights of ideas? A characteristic of schizophrenics. You decide. (Image is not mine, copyrights belong to their respective owners)

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